Saturday, May 17, 2014

Stop my feet,
Run no more,
The shadows can not reach you,
The terrors can not find you,
Stop my heart,
Race no more,
Listen to the song birds,
Singing on the cords.
Be still mind,
Forgive the past.
Others have faced worse,
Things your mind may never grasp.
Reach out to the hopeless,
Because you have seen darkness
You've become light.
Your story can reach the world,
There are others who still fight.
There are children without families
Who only want just love,
There are widows sad and lonely
Struggling to stay above.
There is hunger everywhere
Go out and fill their bellies,
There are sick who need your prayers
And the lost who need the guiding.
There are beaten battered women
Who have hopelessness inside
There is so much still to do
And yes your going to cry.
When there is no light
Remember there is you
You can make a difference
If even one life
That will do.
If every good person
makes a difference for today
We've just saved the world
In a big kinda way
Light brings light
Darkness has to flee.
If all the world united
for a second, for a day,
We could fix the world
And light the broken way.

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