Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Nightmares Of a Queen

The Nightmares of a Queen

Sleep runs from tired eyes,
insomnia come to play,
quite in the still of night,
darkness where she lay.
is there a way to shut it off,
the thoughts inside her head?
melancholy Queen,
Trepidation is her bed.
Though safe beside her King she is,
she still cant find her slumber,
Echos of a cryptic past,
Of mosters come to plunder.
Ravaged by their claws and teeth,
left crippled on the ground,
all that she could seem to do,
was cry a weeping sound.

Ghoulish dreams come to play,
Filled with constant dread,
still running through the darkness,
trepidation is her bed.
Tripping over fallen trees,
Queen hits the forest floor,
the mosters come with claws Unleashed,
striking to the core.
She struggles up against the fists,
Their evil griping, to her bones,
she cries out her unheard pleas,
To hearts made out of stones.
Melancholy Queen,
All she wants is peaceful rest,
where beauty comes to dance,
Where there's nothing but the best.

but in the night un-welcoming,
Trepidation is her bed,
She lay with insomnia,
as memories plague her head.

Angela Hearn 2014

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