Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hope Your Alright Love

   I look at you love, 
and I hope your alright,
losing you would be like superman being shanked with cryptonite.
If I had to live without you,
it would be like floating out in space, 
oxygen's depleted, drifting out of place. 
If you no longer loved me, 
my heart would break like glass
the pieces would catch fire,
fall through my soul as ash. 
My heart would freeze like the Arctic, 
if I couldn't have your love,
sub zero, no life, no movement from above.
Because when I think about it, 
My heart, it chose you, 
there's no one else I love, 
baby, no one else would do.
When God cut the molds he made us all just one,
one to be the moon one to be the sun. 
individually we shine, together we eclipse
some day's I want to hug you, some day's just kiss your lips.
Your heart beat is my music,
soothing to my soul,
yet upon excitement,
it's rapped beating is my goal. 
I look at you love,
and I hope your alright,
losing you would be like Superman being shanked with cryptonite 
I only want your happiness,
 if I deprive that from you,
then for your happiness,
 Id break my heart in two. 
Your touch I would miss,
 the comfort in your embrace,
the waking in the morning to your loving face. 

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