Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tale between the Lines

I read your words so young you sound,
your heart a twisted road,
upon it lay traps and snares to the side a little toad.
I can only read a tale I see between the lines,
but I can see the shadows with sharp claws as they climb,
I do not know your story but I see the weeping willows,
I do not know your pain but I see the rocks your pillows.
I can not say a word for my road is twisted to,
the irony of knowing is something we have to do.
ive seen so many children I want to wrap up in my arms,
so many that are broken I want to shild from harm.
To watch them grow like faded photos
tears my heart in two,
 The sad thing is I see that child deep inside of you.
I havent any wisdom words other than you can fly,
wings may be broken, though I dont know why.
twisted roads can straitin while your in a waiting place,
but don't move to slow and don't use to much haste.
We all have our roads to walk no one can feel our shoes,
Some have forever sunny skies,
but I see storms in you.
I lay out on the plush green grass,
 the clouds passing over Texas skies,
looking for an answer to many reasons as to why.
I do not know your tale I must read between the lines,
Your heart a twisted road,
trapped in the snarls and vines.
there's tyranny inside the print of bruises long ago,
and though they can't be seen now there tender words do show.
The shadows grip like heavy chains,
they bind you like Prometheus to the mountain top,
and inside I see your struggle one that doesn't stop.
I can not say how to break the heavy chains inside,
but a tear I shed for you because I relate to what's inside.
a dragon lurks with fire breath stomping through your soul,
trying to consume you take over your control.
behind your rocks for pillows I see you bow your head,
your life a long story but your alive not dead.
you made it to the morning that light is just enough,
and something else I see is a survivor brave and tough.
I read your words so young you sound,
your heart a twisted road ,
upon it lay traps and snares to the side a little toad.
I can only read a tale I see between the lines,
But I can see the shadows with sharp claws as they climb.

The Nightmares Of a Queen

The Nightmares of a Queen

Sleep runs from tired eyes,
insomnia come to play,
quite in the still of night,
darkness where she lay.
is there a way to shut it off,
the thoughts inside her head?
melancholy Queen,
Trepidation is her bed.
Though safe beside her King she is,
she still cant find her slumber,
Echos of a cryptic past,
Of mosters come to plunder.
Ravaged by their claws and teeth,
left crippled on the ground,
all that she could seem to do,
was cry a weeping sound.

Ghoulish dreams come to play,
Filled with constant dread,
still running through the darkness,
trepidation is her bed.
Tripping over fallen trees,
Queen hits the forest floor,
the mosters come with claws Unleashed,
striking to the core.
She struggles up against the fists,
Their evil griping, to her bones,
she cries out her unheard pleas,
To hearts made out of stones.
Melancholy Queen,
All she wants is peaceful rest,
where beauty comes to dance,
Where there's nothing but the best.

but in the night un-welcoming,
Trepidation is her bed,
She lay with insomnia,
as memories plague her head.

Angela Hearn 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Stop my feet,
Run no more,
The shadows can not reach you,
The terrors can not find you,
Stop my heart,
Race no more,
Listen to the song birds,
Singing on the cords.
Be still mind,
Forgive the past.
Others have faced worse,
Things your mind may never grasp.
Reach out to the hopeless,
Because you have seen darkness
You've become light.
Your story can reach the world,
There are others who still fight.
There are children without families
Who only want just love,
There are widows sad and lonely
Struggling to stay above.
There is hunger everywhere
Go out and fill their bellies,
There are sick who need your prayers
And the lost who need the guiding.
There are beaten battered women
Who have hopelessness inside
There is so much still to do
And yes your going to cry.
When there is no light
Remember there is you
You can make a difference
If even one life
That will do.
If every good person
makes a difference for today
We've just saved the world
In a big kinda way
Light brings light
Darkness has to flee.
If all the world united
for a second, for a day,
We could fix the world
And light the broken way.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry for wounding your heart,
Sorry for it's falling apart.
I want to take back the pain from you.
Go back in time mistakes undo.
In your eyes I see the pain I caused,
If I could, I'd take it back without pause.
Please forgive my big mistake.
I can not sleep just lay awake.
This was
Not a dream I depicted, 
Now both of us have been inflicted. 
Neither one poses excuse.
Neither one can tie the nuse.
know forgiveness brings us rest,
Strong survive no bullet proof vest.
There is love and future still,
You, me our family 
Lets keep it real.

Hope Your Alright Love

   I look at you love, 
and I hope your alright,
losing you would be like superman being shanked with cryptonite.
If I had to live without you,
it would be like floating out in space, 
oxygen's depleted, drifting out of place. 
If you no longer loved me, 
my heart would break like glass
the pieces would catch fire,
fall through my soul as ash. 
My heart would freeze like the Arctic, 
if I couldn't have your love,
sub zero, no life, no movement from above.
Because when I think about it, 
My heart, it chose you, 
there's no one else I love, 
baby, no one else would do.
When God cut the molds he made us all just one,
one to be the moon one to be the sun. 
individually we shine, together we eclipse
some day's I want to hug you, some day's just kiss your lips.
Your heart beat is my music,
soothing to my soul,
yet upon excitement,
it's rapped beating is my goal. 
I look at you love,
and I hope your alright,
losing you would be like Superman being shanked with cryptonite 
I only want your happiness,
 if I deprive that from you,
then for your happiness,
 Id break my heart in two. 
Your touch I would miss,
 the comfort in your embrace,
the waking in the morning to your loving face. 

Darkness past

write it out, things untold.
Cryptic abyss of days gone, days old.
Grim dark roads of broken glass behind,
Outer exterior, looks just fine.
Inside shadows wrapping round,
gone is light, stars crashing down.
Mouse caught in a pythons grip,
flashbacks, memories through mind rip.
For a moment onto knees fall,
The phantoms have again come to call.

Smiles hide what lay behind the while,
 eyes cry, midst souls rubble pile.
Searching endless for the light,
through its darkness, moonless night.
Glimmering just out of reach,
a sun so warm like a day on the beach.
but the roads behind of grim and glass
of the days old of days past,
keep their creeping shadows near
caught between light and fear.
reaching up the shadows pull
screaming out "you fool, you fool"
but like a moth pulled away,
with the darkness it can not stay.
with the roads of grim and glass,
its time to leave the memories past.
fear is courage in another form.
It's time for it to began, transform.

Let go shadows, unlock your chains,
run away darkness take with you your pain.
Empty abyss become a a sea,
let go mind, be free, yes free.
You cannot live a midst the night
leave now fear, shine now the light.
dark and grim have not won,
Steady self, and overcome.