Monday, November 9, 2015

Blog readers

Hello, and a warm welcome. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog I completely forgot I had. Yes through the busy day's of motherhood I had forgotten I even blogged some of my poetry.  Maybe the hit on the head did the trick of reminding me I own a blog. Yes, I slipped on my 9 year Olds shirt and so gracefully with all my clumsiness tripped head first into into a corner and nearly knocked myself out. Oh the joys of motherhood. Those moments the kid's feel so guilty for leaving their shirt in the floor they go above and beyond to remedy it. Aside from a concussion I'm good. But leave it to me to find humor in it all. All I can say is my head isn't stronger than an oak board but an oak board is strong enough to crack my head. Still wasn't as bad as the whole drove of fire ants in my mail the other day but we will save that for the next blog. Named Ant Dance. Keep an eye out for it.
Anyway, as I get back on blogging track thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and hope you come back again.

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