Monday, November 9, 2015

Ants in the Mail

   You ever wake up to such a good day you think it's to good to be true? Yeah, that's about how it worked out Friday. 
I had to make a run to the bank and as I was leaving I noticed some mail that was missed the evening before. I figured I'd grab the mail on the way out.  I dropped it into my lap and continued on my way. I get about a fourth mile down the road when I start feeling a horrible stinging followed with flaming pain. I look down and see a whole colony of fire ants unleashing their furry for touching their new found housing all over my middle half. Now first instinct screams get them off but second instinct says get off the road dummy. So I race my car to the side of the road throw the mail and began slapping the ants off. I can only began to imagine the site one must of beheld as they passed by me on the roadway. I mean even after I thought I got them all I was still going. My mind insuring my hair was clear. I checked myself over thinking it was over and climbed back in the car. However, I wasn't quite finished. Some unrelenting savages had made their way beneath my under garments and we're now waging war with parts no ant belongs. I had no option but to flee to the closest store. After which I was almost afraid to leave the bathroom after running through the store like a bat out of hell. The day only progressed with profuse itching for its duration.  
This is just something you can't expect. Who would of guessed ants would be in their mail of all places. I'm assuming they ran during the heavy rain and took up new residence in my mail that night. Either that or the mail man really hates me. Lol I'm going with the rain. 
However, I may be shaking the mail and checking for ants from now on. Though I'm sure my unfortunate event may have been someone else's laugh for the day the reoccurrence is one I'd rather avoid. 

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