Friday, October 25, 2013


The moon ties herself to the ocean, even miles apart the invisible thread of her gravity is forever pulling through the tides of her love, the ocean. Her beauty is never hidden, not even the day light can blind an eye to her humble beauty brushing against the sky. Her elegant glow is cast by her sister sun, she refects her humble ways.
Though she is banished to the night her joy is not gone, for her pale glow stands as a light against the darkness so none are lost without sight. She is held out by her family the stars, her company, though darkness is where she is left to reign she is not alone nor in any pain for her family is with her and she never stands alone. Shine oh moon, cast your glow,

My Favorite Song

My favorite song can not be found
within the tracks and sets.
Because dear love my favorite song 
is found within your chest.
It echo's beats within your soul
and my own must stop to listen,
For in each rythem does it posses 
what earthly words are missin'.
It doesn't have to sing a word,
to sooth my inner fears.
The simple beating of your heart,
is music to my ears.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A thought for today

Agape Love,
I love you simply because you are you and there is no one in the world like you.
Agape Love,
no condition, no restriction, sees through and loves through all faults.
No matter what form, wether it be a parent, sibling, grandparent, aunty, friend ext.
If you add condition it is not agape.
What the world needs is this kind of love.
Posses it.
Human Love,
I love you till it is no longer convenient, satisfying or benifical.
I love you with condition and restriction.
This is what has plaged the world, put away human love,
reach out,
Agape love.